Fauna Kids

Sophie La Girafe So' Schnuller/Schnuller aus reinem Naturkautschuk, 0–6 Monate


Sophie la girafe So'-Schnuller aus reinem Naturkautschuk

Die ergonomische Form ist perfekt an die Passform zwischen Nase und Kinn Ihres Kleinen angepasst.

• Das solide Design ist superhygienisch ohne Plastik, Lücken oder Dichtungen.

• Ermöglicht die Entwicklung des Gaumens und Kiefers und entlastet gleichzeitig das Zahnfleisch des Babys.

• Löcher ermöglichen Belüftung und sorgen für zusätzlichen Komfort.

Alter: 0–6 Monate

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Roisin Crummy
Great soother and teething chew toy

The only soother my 4 month old daughter would use. Also great while teething as she can chew on the rubber to get relief. The large handle is great as she can hold the soother herself and use it like a teething ring. Definitely recommend!

Darren Stewart

SLG So' Pure Natural Rubber Pacifier 0-6m

Aimee Harding
Excellent quality beautiful clothes!

We absolutely love how our baby girl looks and smiles in her very cute fauna outfits. They are also extremely comfy whilst still pretty.. so she can enjoy rolling around whilst still looking cute as a button. Thanks for excellent customer support too! Love your work!

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